Tuesday, July 10, 2012

TV's Greatest Coaster: Teen Wolf

The trickiest part about creating a show is that you have to model it after a roller coaster. Think about it: the scariest coaster you've ever ridden; what made the thrill so exciting? It was the twists, the turns, the loops, the dives, and ultimately the adrenaline rush just could not be compared to. That's the correct recipe for a television production. It has to have enough shock factors to last a season respectfully and then hopefully end with a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting to board again. And now with that exquisitely written introduction, I move on to the reason this blog is being written: Teen Wolf. This has to be the most complicated show I've ever tuned into. It leaves so many blank spaces that, as a devoted watcher, I want more but I can't help but to find myself attempting to fill in as much as I can.

Here's some of my thoughts on the current storylines:
1. I'm assuming that the man and woman in the beginning of Episode 207 is Jackson's parents. And it was stated that Jackson's parents were killed in a car accident and that he was born a day after. But we clearly saw his father killed by the kanima and then his mother killed by a masked assailant- AFTER he was born. So who exactly is covering up the true story? UPDATE: The couple murdered in the beginning of Episode 207 were not Jackson's parents.
2. I'm worried that Scott's mother is somehow involved in the mother's murder spoken about in my 1st point. She did see his mother alive after the baby was born and she was warned that a monster was coming. And yet moments later, the mother is suffocated. I understand that nurses are busy running around the hospital all day but there just is no way that his mother is that ditzy that she couldn't see a hooded man enter a hospital room seconds after she walked out. Is she hiding something?
3. Gerard is EVIL. There is no way this man was able to stand in front of the kanima in Episode 206 and not be harmed. It was almost like the kanima was communicating with him. He has to be the master that's controlling it.
4. The teacher isn't the master. I know that all arrows are pointed to him (due to his car being the one that the kanima stopped next to at the end of Episode 205) but there's no way he is alone in this twisted storyline. The teacher clearly had company at the end of "Restraint" when he entered his car. Who was in the backseat?
5. The creepy photographer kid (Matt) is too curious. And we all know that curiosity killed the cat. I'm worried that he's next. (Sidenote: Allison heard him say kanima and he had her tablet. Why did she not address this or at least bring it to Scott's attention?)
6. Episode 207 still has not answered the question as to what Lydia is. Sure, it shed light on the fact that she's been hallucinating and seeing a young Peter. And we also discovered that she was Peter's Plan B. But what does that mean? Due to the wolfsbane flower being in her hand, is her mission to go after Derek (since he is the one who killed Peter)?
7. Now that Allison's mother has been bitten by Derek, can we assume that she will no longer side with the rest of the pack?

And I thought I'd be the one to ask a legitimate question that the fans are still waiting on an answer to:

1. What is the vet?

With that being asked, Jeff Davis and Co. are definitely teasers. But that's what makes this one hell of a ride to be on. Fellow Teen Wolf fans, strap on your safety restraints and let's enjoy the rest of this ride.

-Bekky Boo

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