If you've been watching Teen Wolf on MTV every Monday night, then you already know the big question of the series: Who is the Alpha? For those of you who are not aware of what I speak of, let me give you the background history so that you can understand.

Scott is your normal asthmatic teenager who during a night in the woods is bitten by a werewolf. He then develops agility, strength, razor-sharp hearing and smell, and lands the girl of his dreams. The only problem? He also gains claws and a face that is not attractive. With Stiles (the best friend that we
wish we had) by his side, Scott is learning to overcome his fate and trying to control his transformations the best way he can. Oh, and there's just one problem... Well, four. First, his girlfriend's father is a werewolf hunter. Secondly, his mother (and the rest of the world) is in the dark about his current state. Thirdly, his lacrosse teammate Jackson is out to get him. And last but certainly not least, a mysterious guy (peer?) named Derek reappears and is found to be a werewolf. With that knowledge, Scott automatically assumes that Derek is the guy who bit him and the one harming the townspeople. The verdict? Derek is not guilty. So then who is the one to blame for the recent attacks (and deaths) of innocent people, and who bit Scott on that fateful night?

With Derek's knowledge of the werewolves, the viewers find out that the
Alpha is responsible. But what is an Alpha? The Alpha is a powerful werewolf who cannot be sensed by any other werewolf, unless that wolf is in his pack. Because Scott was bitten by the Alpha, he is connected to him. Once he learns to hone his abilities and control his senses, he will be able to smell the Alpha. Now this leads us to the blog's purpose, who is the Alpha? The following are five (uneducated) predictions, better known as hypotheses. Proceed:
1. Scott's Boss:

Okay, this is who everyone is speculating the Alpha to be. The vet did indeed act strangely when shown the pictures of a "beast-turn-into-a-man" by the Sheriff. And a mountain lion did "suddenly" appear at the end of Episode 5 (which we're assuming was his doing). But to be quite honest with you, I don't think it's the vet. I believe that he knows who the Alpha is and may even be a part of his pack, but it's too obvious for him to be the secret Alpha. I think this is exactly what the producers want us to believe. So I'm not falling for it!
UPDATE: Episode 6 has led us to confirm what we've known this entire time: The vet has something to do with the Alpha. I'm not sure what exactly, but the Vet is definitely either the Alpha or a part of his pack. He has been protecting and covering for the Alpha since Day 1. And now with him disappearing at the end of the most recent episode, we are led to believe that he definitely knows more than what he says he knows.
Episode 7 has our minds going in so many directions now. The vet ended up being fine after all was said and done. And he thanked Scott and said that if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be alive. WTF? Hadn't you just disappeared?
We saw no sign of the Boss in Episode 8 but we have the notion that Scott and Stiles believe that he is the Alpha. Only time shall tell....
2. Scott's Chemistry Teacher:

This guy is weird. He's mean. And he's mysterious. Perfect description for a werewolf who's identity is being hidden. And did anyone else catch on to what he specifically told Scott's mother in Episode 5 at the Parent-Teacher conference? "Lately Scott's mind has been somewhere else, as his body. Personally I think it may have to do with the lack of a male authority figure." "But he's going through some difficult changes. He just needs a little extra attention, guiding him through this crucial stage of his development" REALLY? That's not a sign?
UPDATE: It has come to my attention that during a scene where Scott and Stiles were whispering in class, the teacher walked up to them and said "If you call that whispering, then you'd better work on it." Which brings me to Episode 6, when the chemistry teacher holds Scott and Stiles in detention. While Scott and Stiles are "whispering", the teacher is staring at them in a strange way and then allows them to leave. Weird. It's almost like he heard everything they were saying...
The kids (Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Scott, and Stiles) ended up in a chemistry class during Episode 7. Is this a coincidence?
Looking back, I'm coming to the conclusion that this creep may be the Alpha. In Episode 8, the teacher stops Scott from talking to Allison. And towards the end of the episode, when they show the Alpha looking down on the city, it transforms back into it's human form. And from afar (and I wear contacts by the way), I'm pretty sure that it was the teacher.
3. Jackson's father:

In Episode5, we find out that Jackson is adopted. And during the PTC, his parents and teacher speak of how he always strives to be accepted and make someone proud. And how his drive and desire for acheivement turns into an obsession with being perfect. That has werewolf-genes written all over it. And I'm sure everyone noticed how the Alpha spared Jackson his life in the video store. Some say it's because he saw the nail print on the back of his neck (left from werewolf Derek) but others speculate that he may have realized who Jackson was. Personally? I think that Jackson and Scott might be brothers. I mean, it's just weird that they don't say who his real parents are. They made it a specific matter to point out that he is adopted, so what exactly is this suggesting?
UPDATE: There's something up with Jackson. Looking back on everything so far, I've come to the conclusion that Jackson is definitely a werewolf. I think he has always been and what Derek's scratch did was trigger that gene. Remember this: Jackson was always the best player on his lacrosse team (as he told Allison in Episode 6) and then Scott came and took his shine. He always excelled in everything he did, which is a sign that maybe he had some strength that he tapped into in order to be the best. And another reason why Jackson has to be linked to the Alpha (and the species of werewolves): he controlled his heartbeat. Do you remember in Episode 5 when Derek asked Jackson what did he see in the video store. Jackson said he didn't see anything. So Derek made him say it again, so that he can listen to his heartbeat to see if he's lying. And Jackson once again stated that he didn't see anything. Fact: Jackson did indeed see something in the video store. He lied to Derek, yet Derek didn't sense it.
But here's the weird thing about Jackson: he's starting to smell dead and rotten. That didn't happen to Scott. But maybe because Scott was bitten and Jackson was scratched. I'm not entirely sure about what the process is for becoming a werewolf or what action causes a human to transform into one, but I'm pretty sure that the nail marks on the back of Jackson's neck is affecting him (and not in a good way). Which reminds me that Jackson saw and felt claws coming out of his mouth. What was that about? We wonder...
In Episode 7, Jackson intentionally gave Lydia the wrong acid and almost put Scott's life in jeopardy. And when the Alpha howled, Jackson reacted to it. Scott transformed but Jackson just fell and screamed. What's his deal?
Jackson is an asshole. Period. But now that he's figured out (or thinks that he's figured out) what Scott is, does that put him in danger? And does he really know?
4. Lydia:

I've heard this being said on boards and on Twitter and I don't understand why. Yes, I do believe that Lydia is a supernatural of some sorts but I don't think that she is a werewolf, nonetheless the Alpha. Lydia is intelligent and (as her teacher stated) "displays outstanding leadership qualities, I mean she's a real leader". When her parents are speaking about her at the PTC, the scene is intertwined with Lydia in the mirror smiling and fixing herself up. It makes you wonder.... And yet here's a reason why she can't be the Alpha: she was in the car when the Alpha jumped out of the window. But think back to the party scene in Episode 1: remember how Lydia was staring at Scott while they were dancing with their partners? It was a weird gaze, almost as if she was looking through him. I'm not sure but something is definitely up with her. I think there's more to her than meets the eye.
UPDATE: In the preview for Episode 7, you see Jackson talking to Allison and telling her to be careful. And then you see Lydia looking on in an angry manner. What's up with Lydia? Could it just be anger that her boyfriend is starting to get close to Allison? Or is there more to the story?
In Episode 7, we get a glimpse at what Lydia is capable of. She put together a fire bomb, like it was nothing. I have a feeling she's a witch...
Lydia says the following to Scott in Episode 8: I think that you locked us in the room to protect us. Umm, didn't you just tell Allison that Scott locked all of you in the room to have you murdered? What's the deal with Lydia, seriously?
5. Scott's father:

I am aware that this is not like the original film (even though the two main characters are still named Scott and Stiles). But let's all remember that Scott's father in the original was a werewolf and that he passed on the gene to his son. I do feel that Scott's father (in the series) is being underplayed. In Episode 3, Scott says that he and his father used to know the man who was attacked on the bus. And when his father is mentioned by the creepy chem teacher in Episode 5, Scott's mother makes it a point that they're "much better off without him in the picture". And
the teacher's response? "Does Scott feel the same way?" The mother answers "Yes. I think so... I hope so." (Things that make you go hmmm) Moving along, if Scott's father was the werewolf, why would he have bitten his son? Wouldn't Scott automatically be a werewolf? That's another reason why it may not be his father. But I do believe that we are slowly going to find out more about his role in his son's life.
A Hale

In Episode 6, Derek Hale goes to see his uncle. Let me refresh your memory: Derek's family was killed in a fire by the hunters (aka Allison's family). The only people to survive (as we assume) were Derek, his sister, and his uncle; although his uncle was badly burned in the fire and hasn't spoken since then. Back to the story, Derek tries to get his Uncle to tell him if he knows who the Alpha is. He specifically asks "Did someone else survive the fire? Is it one of us?" Derek then pleads with his uncle to give him a sign, if he knows anything. He tells him to lift a finger or blink an eye. After being frustrated and yelling at him, Derek leaves and basically tells the nurse that he has run out of time. At that moment, the camera zooms into the uncle who lifts a finger.
Now, I had an argument with my brother about the purpose of this. He believes that the uncle was raising his finger at someone putting an article on his nephew's car (Derek went outside to find an article on his windshield, which led him directly to the vet). But I believe that his uncle was giving him a sign that someone else
did survive the fire.
Another point to take in is that the Alpha has been leaving a spiral sign all over town, which is a werewolf's vendetta, or way to say that it's seeking revenge. So if the Alpha killed Laura Hale (and presumably killed Derek in Episode 6), maybe it is someone who survived the fire and is going after everyone else who survived. Because think about it: before the bus driver died, he apologized to Derek and he knew exactly who Derek was. Fishy, right? I think that the Alpha is seeking revenge for almost being killed in the Hale Family fire. But we definitely need more light on the situation because this could be wrong...
ANSWER: NO! Derek is back after being attacked by the Alpha and left for dead. And now the whole town is looking for him, believing that he is responsible for the attack on the school. But why didn't he explain what happened that night and how he got away? Hmm, all I know is that Derek is still out to get the Alpha.

Now the question is turned to you, who do you think is the Alpha? Any predictions?
Bekky Boo